Tuesday, April 12, 2011


so i was listening to Justin Bieber's song, Love Me, which i love dearly by the way, and i thought to myself, "i really want to sign this song". I love ASL, and lately my new thing has been to watch youtube videos of people signing songs, i love them. so then on friday, alison came into my room and i said "we should sign this song!" (she is in ASL too) and so she was all for it. but then it was really fast and hard, so she said she had wanted to to "pray" by him. so we thought that would be a fabulous idea! eventually it went from just being a small little webcam shpeal, to becoming a full fledged music video ;] we recruited our amazing friend David, and he helped us with it all. Alison then used it for a project for one of her classes, here is the final cut guys, please watch (but click the actual youtube link so we get more views haha) and enjoy! p.s. it was super clear and amazing quality on the computer, but when it got uplaoded to youtube it got a little fuzzy, but still :]

feel free to share with everyone you know! hahaha :]

1 comment:

Megan Bahr said...

oh my gosh...i love "love me". definitely my favorite song by him.