Monday, August 22, 2011

as they say, one thing ends another begins

summer is almost over. i have two more sleeps in my bed and then i will be making the 9 hour car ride to provo. so many mixed emotions on this subject. on one hand i'm so excited i can hardly contain the excitement!! i cant wait to move into my condo. i cant wait to go to my new ward and meet all the people there. i cant wait to start my classes and get on the path to my new goals. i cant wait to see my friends. and i cant wait to have a life again haha :) but then on the other hand, i don't want to go!! i dread homework and tests and projects. i dread waking up early and trying to find a job. i dread being away from all the people i love here. and i just dread the possibility of failure. but, i think the good outweighs the bad, so i'm still very excited. although the day i leave will be pretty sad. i kinda forget how much i miss my niece and nephew and my sisters and my parents and my best friends when i'm gone. its kinda like when you get hurt, the pain is unbearable, but afterwards you forget exactly what it feels like and just say "oh it wasn't too bad" and then you get hurt again, and then remember exactly how it feels. it sucks. or like a super hard hike, when you are going up you want to curse the mountain you are climbing, you want to turn around and make it all go away. then you get to the top "oh its beautiful! lets do it again, i mean it wasn't horrible". that's how i'm going to feel when i drive away. it will all come back to me. but all will be ok. and as many of you who will actually read this know, i have to do super good in school next year. i just HAVE to get into the accounting program, now its the only thing in the world i want! its super competitive, and so to get in it, i have to preform top notch! and since i'm addicted to facebook and spend way to much time on it, i'm getting rid of it for the year. not only will i be able to concentrate more on school and other important things in my life, but it will make me a happier person. i'm just way to addicted and spend to much time, and so to be honest i'm GLAD to get rid of it for awhile. sometimes you just need to simplify your life, and i'm excited for the change. but ill be updating this blog with stories and pictures and updates of my life, so if you want to know about me just come here :) well that's all folks! see you on the flip-side.

1 comment:

Megan Bahr said...

jonni, you can totally do it! i have complete faith in you--you'll find a job and get into the accounting program. i just know it! miss you bunches! can't wait to see you--i'm missing your stories. haha :]