Friday, February 18, 2011


I've always been fascinated by missionary work, and love sharing the gospel of Christ in the little ways i can. but as I've been here at byu Provo i have had the amazing opportunity to volunteer at the MTC. my roommate and i used to go every Friday, but after Christmas break we stopped going. but for the last 2 weeks i have started it up again. so every Friday at 2:45 i now head up and take the 25 minute walk to the MTC. just the walk is in itself a nice break from the daily routines of life. i get to clear my mind and think about my life, and let my mind wander and think about the most random things. the cool winter-turning-spring weather makes me amazingly happy, and i just enjoy the silence and smile the whole way to the MTC. the last 2 weeks i have worked with the same pair of missionaries, and they are amazing. it is such an interesting, and very spiritual experience, to pretend to be someone who has never heard the good news of the gospel. to experience it through an investigators eyes, and to really think about how it effects my life and truly what i think about the main principles of our church. after explaining multiple concepts to me, and after every verse they sit and ask me, "so what do you think about this?" or "how does this make you feel?" i love it. i have to think about how i would think about it if i had just heard it for the first time. ill admit, it is very difficult. because i have heard these lessons multiple times throughout my life, its really hard to pretend like i haven't. but thats what i love, i look at these truths as if i have never heard them, and through doing that, i get to reevaluate what i think about them, and ask myself if i would believe in them, and if i do believe in them now. i have also gotten to the point in the lessons that they are now asking me about baptism and explaining the importance of following Christ and being baptized. for me, i feel as if i am committing to be baptized all over again, as if i am rededicating my life to take his name upon me and live as if i have just taken that commitment upon myself. its truly amazing. i am so grateful for these people, who give up 2 years of their live to share this truly beautiful and simple plan. they bring people to Him and allow them to live in the celestial kingdom with our Heavenly Father again. i am so grateful to be able to help the work in any way, as small as it may be.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

<3 I loved working at the MTC! Best job EVER! You are amazing J.