Wednesday, March 16, 2011

best job in the world

the job i'm talking about is being an aunt. seriously, it is the best thing in the whole world! i love my little niece and nephew more than anything in the whole wide world. little Matti is just about the cutest thing on the whole planet, and every time i think of her it warms my heart, i think i miss her more than anyone else from back home (shhh don't tell anyone else) i hear all these adorable stories about her and i just want to be right there, being her favorite like always ;] Lauren said that now when they say the alphabet in the morning, when they get to "j" Matti says "J for Jonni!" it may seem like a small thing, but that makes me very happy. out of all the J things, she choose me! now granted there isn't a lot of J things she knows, but still!!! haha :] and i can not wait for them to come up in April. they are coming for general conference and so i get to see them! and when they get here, i'm going to go take Matti out for a little date while Matt and Lauren do stuff with the family, and we will probably go to McDonald's or something like that. And Lauren said that she keeps mentioning it and says "i want to go on a McDonald's date with Jonni!" Basically she makes the happiest person alive. i cant believe she has only been on earth for a little over 2 years! i feel like i've loved her forever... so now let me brag about how cute she is with some pictures... heheh :]

i fully realize that was a lot of pictures, but come on, don't you love her?!

1 comment:

alison said...

ummmmmmm, she's kinda too adorable to handle.