Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 17.

"Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why."

this question would be a breeze if it said "someone you would want to spend a day with" but alas, it does not. so give me a second to think of someone....

alright! i have decided! so to switch lives with someone and to make it worthwhile, they would have to be totally different than me, and have some talent ive always wanted. also it wouldnt hurt if they were friends with someone i adore, and lived in a cool place. also, this person MUST be a girl. so who did i decide?!

Colbie Caillat!!! she has an amazing voice, can play the guitar and other instruments, she has an awesome name, and she is gorgeous in a unique way. one of her bff's is also Jason Reeves, who I happen to be in love with but thats besides the point. it would be pretty awesome to Colbie for a day :]
although i'm sure i could think of tons of other people i would love to switch lives for just a little, i really adore Colbie's music, and anytime i hear even one second of her songs i just start smiling. who wouldn't want to bring such an amazing gift to peoples lives?! i sure would :]

p.s. on a side note, as i was walking home from the gym today, i heard this guy, he was picking up trash and random leaves with a little stick and putting them in a bucket, but he was whistling, and it sounded so awesome, i couldn't tell if it was a flute or his whistling! well obviously i could tell, since i saw him doing it, but you get the point.

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