Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 22.

"What makes you different from everyone else."

hmmm...what is different about me?? well sometimes when no one else is laughing, i will think something not very funny to other people is hilarious and i will burst out in laughter, really loud. its embarrassing sometimes when everyone looks at me haha. i have obsessions, like holga cameras, the color yellow, lee pace, jack johnson...and i'm constantly thinking about them. i'm very emotional, not just like i cry a lot, although i do cry easily, but i feel all emotions so deeply and so easily. i can turn angry, sad, happy, giddy, all in about 5 seconds, but feel them all so strongly. i love talking and telling stories, but i'm really shy at first and until someone talks to me i wont say a word. sometimes ill think in my head like a story, like i write a story in my mind of what is happening at the moment and think of myself as a character in a book. i get attached to people really easy, but honestly i don't like having more than a few close friends. i feel that bonds are stronger are more important when you don't have 15 "best friends". i'm so excited for the future, yet sometimes when i think about it i start freaking out and get really scared of it. i have a lot i need to work on, yet i love who i am and more importantly, i love who i know i can become. i don't know if these things make me different at all, but thats alright :] i don't necessarily care if i'm unique, as long as i am myself.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Love your post! I never knew anyone else told themselves/wrote stories of what is happening at the moment! I do it too and have never met anyone else who does! I've told Taylor before when we were younger and I got that "...okay...." look. Love your post. (dunno what holga cameras are)