Monday, September 12, 2011

learning, cleaning, and blogging?

i never thought i was much of a multitask-er, but i really surprised myself. my accounting class is a hybrid class, which means we have some in class days, but then we have to watch lessons by ourselves at home. these lessons are loooooooong. let me tell you that. the one i'm watching right now is over 3.5 hours. ya tell me about it. so as i was watching it, everything seemed pretty simple, so i decided to hang up all my clothes that i had laying on my bed, organize my books, and clean up my desk. then i sat here watching it more, did good on the homework problems in between, so decided to blog about my adventures haha :) i know i'm amazing, hold your applause. and on some news, i got a letter, from an British missionary who was in the MTC with cameron, so i don't know him, so its really fun to write! haha :) so today was a good day. im super tired because i get sucked into the vicious cycle of naptime, but a good day none-the-less.

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