Sunday, September 25, 2011

"we thank thee this day"

Its that time of the week to read what i am thankful for this week!

1. i am grateful for the amazing teachers, and wonderful lessons that i get hear each Sunday.
2. i am grateful for a dishwasher. without it, i would be very sad and a very bad roommate haha.
3. i am grateful for being able to have a car this year. it really has blessed me so much.
4. i am grateful for having a temple with in minutes. i went on Friday with my friends and i haven't had such a wonderful day in a long time.
5. i am grateful for makeup. oh boy, what would i do if i couldn't cover up all the unsightly imperfections everyday?! or well...mostly every day. unless i'm lazy haha.
6. i am grateful to have running water. i was listening to some stories the other day, you know, the ones everyone hears but it really just made me thankful for the everyday conveniences i take for granted.
7. i am grateful for lotion. when you have such terrible hands as me, you realize how amazing it is the have skin that doesn't hurt, doesn't split a bleed and itch like crazy, and look really ugly. lotion saves my life.
8. i am grateful for the challenges i face. they are very personal, so i'm not going to list them, but they make me more able to understand the pains of others. and they make me realize the good things i have in life. and they make me stronger.
9. i am grateful for computers. such amazing pieces of equipment. life is so easy with them.
10. i am grateful for post-it notes. this may seem like the most random thing in the world to be thankful for, but i love them. they make me happy...strange i know. and allow me to remember things, and put quotes to remind me how i should act. love those things.

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